hotos. The longest and hardest of all stages. Sadly, my achievement was overshadowed by tragedy on our descent by the reality of the danger of climbing Everest, and mountaineering in general. On our descent between camp 4 and 3, 3 Sherpas we’re lowering by rope a deceased climber where at camp 3 he was hoisted by chopper to lower ground. Only soon after at camp 2, our head Sherpa of 6, Sarki Sherpa, and my personal Sherpa to the summit, passed away whilst escorting one of our members to the rescue helicopter pad at camp 2. We understand he accidentally stepped back into a crevasse and falling 40-50m. Our effort to save him failed after retrieving his body from the crevasse, he died shortly after from massive head and bodily injuries. He was not just my Sherpa, he was my friend, we had plans to go on and climb some of the Himalaya’s most famous peaks. He loved guiding, and will be sadly missed by many family and friends around the world.🙁 He leaves behind his wife and 2 children.💔 I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sarki Sherpa, Carlos Santalena, Sumit Joshi, and Himalayan Ascents, for assisting and supporting me on this amazing journey.
बौद्धसुत्र अनुसार परिक्रमा गर्नाले प्राप्ति हुने फल / फाईदाहरु निम्न अनुसारका रहेका छन् | जानकारी थाह पाउनको लागि राम्रो संग ध्यान पु-र्याई पढ्नुहोला | छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नाले,सयौं कल्प सम्म अन्धो,रोगी र असफल कहिल्यै नभई काय अथवा शरीर पनि पापबाट परि शुद्ध हुने । छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नार्ले,धनी भई सम्पत्ति प्रसस्त हुने,धनको लोभ नगरी धनको दान गर्ने र दान आदिमा बहादुरी हुने । छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नाले,मन मोहक भई हेर्दामा राम्रो देखिने,राम्रो रुप देख्दा खुसी हुने र प्रसस्त सम्पत्ति उपभोग गर्ने । छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नाले,उच्च राज कुलमा जन्मिने,वरिपरि उत्तम स्त्रीहरुले भरिपुर्ण हुने,शक्ति र बिर्य ज्ञानले पनि भरीपुर्ण हुने । छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नाले,सन्सारकै महान दाता हुने,जमिन माथिको मालिक हुने र धर्मले पुर्ण भइ धर्मराज हुने। छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नाले,मृत्युुपछि देव लोक तथा मनुष्य लोकमा जन्मिने,बौद्ध धर्मलाई माया गर्ने र योग ज्ञानले युक्ति भई शक्ति ज्ञानले पनि युक्ति| छ्योर्तेन परिक्रमा गर्नाले,चार स्मरन ज्ञान,चार चित्त अत्...
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